We have a delightful story to share about our recent adventure with Timina. Her excitement was palpable as she eagerly awaited the opening of Logos Hope, the world’s largest floating book fair. Timina could hardly contain her enthusiasm at the prospect of diving into new books and discovering the wonders they hold.

Discovering Logos Hope

For those who might not be familiar, Logos Hope is not just any book fair. This unique ship travels the world, bringing an extensive collection of over 5,000 titles to each port it visits. Since its inception in 1970, starting with the original Logos, these ocean-going ships have visited over 480 different ports in more than 150 countries and territories, welcoming over 50 million visitors on board.

The Magic of the Floating Book Fair

Logos Hope stays in each port for about two weeks, opening its gangways to thousands of visitors every day. The floating book fair offers a diverse range of literature, often providing many visitors with their first-ever opportunity to choose from such a wide variety of quality books. It’s a treasure trove for any book lover, and for Timina, it was a dream come true.

An International Crew with a Mission

The ship is manned by an international crew and staff of volunteers from around 60 different countries. These dedicated individuals devote one or more years of their lives to serving on board, promoting literacy, education, cross-cultural cooperation, and social awareness. Their mission is to reflect God’s compassion for the world and to share knowledge, help, and hope in every port they visit.

Timina's Day on Logos Hope

Our visit to Logos Hope was nothing short of magical. Timina was in her element, surrounded by books and the friendly smiles of the ship's crew. She spent time exploring the titles, each new discovery sparking her curiosity and imagination. It was heartwarming to see her so engaged and joyful, absorbed in the pages of her new books.

Beyond Books: The Ship's Impact

But the impact of Logos Hope goes beyond just books. The ship's teams also venture into surrounding areas to provide aid and community care, partnering with local groups to bring hope to people regardless of their circumstances, culture, or background. It’s a beautiful testament to the power of community and compassion.

A Grateful Heart

We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to visit Logos Hope and for the joy it brought to Timina. It’s experiences like these that create lasting memories and inspire a lifelong love of learning and discovery.

Thank you for sharing in our excitement and for your continued support and love.