Hello, dear friends and family,

As we reach the middle of the year, our hearts are full of emotions and gratitude. It's been a season of extended celebrations, bittersweet farewells, and exciting new adventures on the horizon. Here’s a little update from our family, with spaces for you to imagine the pictures that capture these precious moments.

Extended Birthday Celebrations for Mommy

We kicked off the past few weeks with extended birthday celebrations for Mommy. Our dear Ouma, Karl, and Riana made sure the festivities continued, showering her with love and surprises.

It was a wonderful time, filled with joy and togetherness, reminding us how special these moments are with family.

A Girl's Best Friend: Saying Goodbye to Coco

Two weeks ago, we faced the difficult task of saying goodbye to our beloved Coco. Timina’s furry best friend, Coco, has been with us since Timina turned 4. We adopted Coco when she was also 4 years old, and for nearly 8 years, she was a cherished member of our family.

The saddest part was watching Timina struggle to understand what it meant to say goodbye. Coco was more than just a pet; she was Timina’s companion, always there to offer comfort and unconditional love. While we grieve her loss, we hold onto the beautiful memories she gave us.

Extra Love for Ziva

Ziva, our other fur baby, is still around and getting some extra love from everyone in the family. With Coco’s absence, Ziva has become even more precious to us. We’re making sure she feels all the affection and attention she deserves. It’s amazing how pets become such integral parts of our lives, offering love and warmth in ways only they can.

Exciting News: Heading to East London

Next up, we have some thrilling news! The Nieuwoudt family is headed to East London with a team of leaders. We are beyond excited for this adventure. It’s a chance to explore new places, meet new people, and make lasting memories together. Watch this space for more updates from our trip!

The Precious Prayers of a Child

One afternoon, I had the privilege of listening to Timina pray. She was thanking God for His day, for His blessings, and for the opportunity to go on holiday. Then, in the next breath, she said, "Please Father, can you help me to walk so I can play with my new friends? Please Lord."

Hearing her pray with such sincerity and faith was a powerful reminder of the purity and hope that children carry in their hearts. The prayers of a child are precious, always.

As we continue through this year, we carry with us the joy of celebrations, the sorrow of goodbyes, and the excitement of new beginnings. Thank you for being a part of our journey, for your love, and for your support. We look forward to sharing more updates and memories with you.